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the x-fighters

The X-fighters are people who travel through the
world of Lorienne looking for Xs to catch
and finding new oppenents to battle against.
The ultimate goal of an X-fighter is to win the
tournament of the six satellites, the most
prestigious title on Lorienne!

Meet the characters

An x-fighter can catch an x in two ways

You can get the trust of the X and
become friends

You can fight the X and catch it

Know your tools

The x-gloves

The X-gloves are an unique tool that will
accompany you through your special journey on

They are used to absorb and contain the energy of
the X you’re fighting against after you have
weakened it.

X-fighters fashionistas love to customize them!

The x-belt

The X-gloves are an unique tool that will
accompany you through your special journey on

They are used to absorb the energy of the X you’re
fighting against after you have weakened it.

X-fighters fashionistas love to customize them!

Want to know more about the X’s
skills in a fight?

Go to the Xs page to learn their
peculiarities and wearable

Want to learn how to fight with
your Xs?

Go to the Card page to learn how
to play the card game